The Talos Principle Wiki

Land A (or Zone A), also called the Land of Ruins, is the first of three sub-lands found in the Garden of Worlds. Filled with degraded Roman ruins in a Mediterranean setting, the Land of Ruins is where the Child begins the first part of their journey, waking up in area A-1 and being greeted by the voice of Elohim. Many of the MLA terminals consist of excerpts from Ancient Greek and Roman myths or philosophers.

After collecting all green sigil stones, the Nexus becomes accessible.

The Temple[]


The hub of Land A appears as an enormous classical basilica. The teleporters to each area can be found on each side of the temple, behind tall columns. At one end of the hub is an apse with terminals to unlock the Connector and the Hexahedron, while at the other end, the elevator to the surface can be found.


Area A-1[]

Area A-1

This is where you awaken. It's a confounding complex of buildings and gardens, packed together with seemingly little order.


Area A-2[]


This tiny island centres on an theatre; the rest is almost entirely ruined. Ghosts run through tests only they can see that have decayed long ago. In the distance are inaccessible islands, themselves covered in ruins.

Area A-3[]

Area A-3
In this area, the hub is surrounded by a circular basin, filled with water. The basin itself is surrounded by pillars that are labeled with an individual roman number each.

Area A-4[]

Area A-4
This area resembles the ruins of an ancient roman town, overlooking a cliff.

Area A-5[]

Area A-5
This area resembles the ruins of a giant roman archway, possibly the ruins of a basilica or other large structure. While the setting is initially rainy when entered, solving a puzzle will toggle the weather to become sunny or return to being rainy.

Area A-6[]

Area A-6
This area has a relatively open field in the middle and doors in the left and right walls that lead to the puzzles.

Area A-7[]

Area A-7
This area is located at a cliff, overlooking an ocean during the evening.

Star Door[]

Wooden barred door / Messenger Island[]

Land A
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